Saturday, 18 February 2017

The Interactive Science Museum in Lisbon

Greetings fellow Scientists!

Your travelling Scientist has revently visited The Pavilion of Knowledge Ciência Viva in Lisbon. This interactive Science museum will keep you busy with a number of interactive dispays, a truly enjoyable learning experience!



Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Coca-Cola under investigation

Greetings fellow Scientists!

Together with our friends from the Volcano Science Club in Poland, we are going to conduct a selection of experiments with different varieties of Coca-Cola to test out its properties.

We started by analysing the labels:

Then, we tried to find out if Coca-Cola contains caramel so we heated it up:

 After that, we continued to check what gas is in Coca-Cola. We predicted it's carbon dioxide so we heated a sample up and passed the gas through limewater. As it turned milky/cloudy we know we were correct:

Lastly, we set up an experiment that is going to take a bit of time: we covered a rusty nail, a coin and an egg with Coca-Cola to see what effect it's going to have:

Join us after half-term to see the results and more experiments!