Friday 13 February 2015

Science at home - crystal creations

Crystal creations
You will need:
  • clean jar
  • hot water
  • pack of powdered alum
  • two spoons
  • pipe cleaners
  • paper clip
  • pencil
  • paper towel

  1. Pour hot water into the jar until it is three-quarters full.
  2. Drop in one tablespoon of powdered alum at a time, and stir with another spoon. Keep going until the solution is saturated and alum begins to collect on the bottom of the jar.
  3. Bend your pipe cleaner into whatever shape you like and then twist the paper clip so that it forms an “S” shape. Hook one end of the paper clip around the pipe cleaner so that it is held firmly in place.
  4. Hook the other end of the paper clip around the pencil and lower the pipe cleaner into the solution so it is suspended in the middle of the jar. Rest the pencil across the jar’s neck.
  5. If the pipe cleaner touches the bottom or sides, your crystals will not grow properly. Leave it overnight.

How does it work?
Research: crystallisation