Friday 13 March 2015

Science at home - separating mixtures

You will need:
  • water-soluble marker pens in three different colours (blue, black and green work really well)
  • blotting paper or coffee filter paper (kitchen towel should work well too)
  • scissors
  • water
  • three glasses
  • paper clips

  1. Cut three strips of filter paper to the same height as your glasses.
  2. Use a different colour marker to draw a large dot about 2 cm from the bottom of each strip.
  3. Pour 1 cm of water into three glasses.
  4. Lower each of the strips of paper into a glass and fix them to the side of the glass with a paper clip. The dots should be about 1 cm above the level of water.
  5.  After a few minutes, each of the dots will have separated into different colours. You will be able to see which colours make up each ink.

How does it work?

Research: chromatography